Acolyte service provides the opportunity for young people to serve God and the Church by assisting the priests during worship services. Care is taken to prepare them for this ministry.
Contact Bob Mikrut, Head Verger
Altar Guild
Altar Guild Members serve in teams, with each team preparing the Eucharistic elements for worship one Sunday a month, and occasionally for other services as well. In addition, the Altar Guild cares for the linens and silk hangings on the altar, lectern, and pulpit.
Contact Carol Harris or Mary Hopkins
Choirs In Worship
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist clergy in the distribution of the wine during Holy Communion. Please speak with one of the clergy if you would like to serve the congregation in this way. Duncan Van Dusen does the scheduling of these ministers.
Contact Warren Ayres
Flower Guild
Members of the Flower Guild serve on teams assigned for one Sunday a month when they arrange the flowers that enhance our worship. The Guild also provides flowers for weddings and funerals. Most weeks, flowers are given by parishioners in memory of loved ones.
Contact Jan Clarke
Greeters welcome participants at Sunday worship and particularly seek to be of service to newcomers. Two parishioners usually serve in this ministry at the 9:30 service.
Contact Sally Moser
Lectors And Intercessors
Lectors and intercessors are lay members of the parish who read the appointed passages from the Bible or lead us in corporate Prayers of the People during worship.
Contact Warren Ayres
Needlepoint Guild
Led by Sally Moser, our Needlepoint Guild is working to provide beautiful handcrafted needlepoint cushions for our new Communion rail. For the designs, they worked with Nancy Lukowski of Fancywork Finishing in Easton, Maryland. Nancy has worked for years as Head of the Needlework Guild at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. She is an accomplished ecclesiastical needlepoint designer and finisher, and has been in her field since 1970. We are very excited about her work and the design she has created for us.
Ushers distribute service sheets, collect the offering, count the number of attendees, and generally assist in making the Church a hospitable setting for worship.
Contact Lisa McLean (7:45 Service)
Contact Sean McCauley (9:30 Service)
Even though the history of verging and vergers goes back over 700 years, the ministry of service and welcome from the vergers of the Episcopal Church is thriving in the twenty-first century and here at The Redeemer! Today's vergers are laypersons who serve the church in a ministry of service and welcome. Often the visitor will see the verger in a simple cassock moving about the church preparing for worship. The verger is able to respond to any inquiry concerning the upcoming service, church facilities or current program offerings and leads processions and guides liturgical participants to the appropriate location for their participation and, at The Redeemer, serve as mentors for the acolytes.
The Redeemer has a flourishing Junior Verger Program. High school aged parishioners who have served as acolytes are invited to participate and train for this program. Many of the Junior Vergers have moved on to become full Vergers in their senior year of high school.
Contact: Bob Mikrut Head Verger
Mailing Address:
Church of the Redeemer
230 Pennswood Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Main phone number: 610-525-2486
Emergencies after hours: 610-526-0487
All Rights Reserved | Church of The Redeemer