
Click here to pledge or make a gift to
The Redeemer online

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Make a gift or pledge payment using your VISA/MasterCard or electronic funds transfer from your bank account. Choose the Fund you would like your gift to go to from the drop-down box and use the comments field if needed (i.e., Memorial Gift in Memory Mary Smith).

Scroll down for more options for giving including via text, Venmo and PayPal.

Click here for instructions to give appreciated stock gifts.

2025 Stewardship Campaign

Thank you for the love and energy you bring to The Redeemer. Because of you we can provide a home to anyone looking for a closer relationship to God, serving as an anchor institution for our community.

The financial state of The Redeemer is strong. As we enter the 2025 Stewardship season, we look for opportunities to broaden our impact, continuing to grow in worship while helping those in need of what we can give.

This past summer reminded us that our church home exists only because we invest in it. The fire could have had catastrophic consequences. Instead, it highlighted our strength and resilience built on generations of joyful charity. The quality of our fire alarms and control systems, the high state of building maintenance, the quality of our property insurance and the skilled diligence of our staff all prove that prudent stewardship creates and protects our work as a parish. 

Your story is one of strength. Pledges were up 9.8% last year, with half of the parish increasing their giving. We hope even more of us will be able to raise our pledges this year so that we, like those who came in generations before, will leave an ever stronger Redeemer to those who come after.

The picture below shows why your pledge for 2025 matters. Each pledge enables the Rector, the Vestry, and the collective parish to plan for and meet every opportunity the next year brings.

In 2024, The Redeemer’s $2M budget for operations and outreach cost approximately $5,961 per pledging family.
To fund that cost, about $3,452 came from pledges, $1,623 from the endowment and $886 from other sources.

Ways to Make Your Pledge & Gifts

  • Annual Pledge

    Return a pledge card or complete online form ( for the calendar year (payable by Dec. 31 of that year). Quarterly statements will inform you of your payments and a year-end statement will be provided for tax purposes. Your pledge status can be checked online at anytime in the Members Access section of our website.

  • Cash

    The only way for us to track cash is by using offering envelopes sent out every other month. If you are not receiving these envelopes and pay by cash, please check the box on the pledge form or contact Fran Merritt.

  • Checks

    may be deposited in the offering plate (loose or in offering envelopes), mailed at any time or returned along with your pledge card.

  • Gifts of Appreciated Stock

    By donating appreciated stock, you can take advantage of tax credits. Information needed by your broker is available here contact Fran Merritt (610-525-2486 ext. 14).

  • IRA Charitable Rollover

    Taxpayers age 72 and older are required to make annual distributions from their IRAs. This is included in adjusted gross income (AGI) and subject to taxes. The IRA Charitable Rollover permits taxpayers to make donations directly to The Redeemer from their IRAs without counting them as part of their AGI and, consequently, without paying taxes on them. 

  • Online Giving

    Visit and click on the GIVE link to set up a secure contribution via VISA, MasterCard or electronic funds transfer from your checking or savings account. If you wish to make a one-time gift, you can do that now. 

  • Text Giving

    You now have the option to give via text. Text TheRedeemer to 73256 and follow the link. The first time you will have to set-up your debit/credit card or bank account information, but going forward you simply indicate the amount of your gift and chose the fund where it is to be credited (most times Pledge Contribution).

    In other words: type 73256 in the TO area of the text message and type TheRedeemer in the message to be sent area.

  • VISA/MasterCard/Debit

     If online access is not convenient, we can assist you in making a one-time gift or in setting up an automatic electronic account. Contact Ken Garner for assistance to set this up.

  • Venmo

    Use your Venmo account to make donations and pay for events, etc. Our Venmo handle is @TheRedeemer.

    If you use Venmo, please use the Comment Box to tell us: Your Name, Email Address and Purpose of your Gift/Payment.

  • PayPal

    You can now use PayPal to make contributions or pay for events, etc. Click here to go to PayPal.

What is the Lycett Legacy Society

The Lycett Legacy Society recognizes parishioners who have named The Redeemer as a beneficiary in their estate planning. By bestowing this blessing, Lycett members contribute significantly to our endowment. From 2007 to today, The Redeemer received $734,196 from Lycett Society members or their estates and you may recall the recent announcement of a $1M pledge of a charitable remainder trust. These gifts make an immediate impact, providing important funding for the ongoing life of our parish and the sustenance of our church home.

The Society is named after the Rev. Edward L. Lycett, who became rector of The Redeemer in 1856. His vision and perseverance led to the construction of our present church in the early 1880’s. At the time of his death the Vestry noted that Rev. Lycett left us with “a vigorous congregation, a valuable property, a rectory, a growing mission…and all free of debt.” The Society’s purpose is to ensure that such a legacy remains for generations yet unborn.

There are many options for parishioners to support The Redeemer through their estate planning. Members should consult with their financial and legal advisors to make a plan best suited to their situation. Examples of Lycett Society gifts range from life-income gifts through annuities or trusts, donations of tangible assets such as real estate or securities, or bequests designated in members’ wills. Regardless of the method, all Lycett members have committed to the goal of sharing their worldly wealth with the ongoing mission of The Redeemer.

We all enjoy the benefits of the generosity of fellow sojourners who worshipped in the same pews where we sit today. What they did 50, 100 or 150 years ago to establish and nurture our parish’s endowment is still a living legacy. Like all living things, it needs our vision and participation now to continue for future generations.

If you would like to learn more, or are already considering joining the Lycett Legacy Society, please call The Redeemer Stewardship Office at 610-525-2486, extension 19.

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