Membership At Church Of The Redeemer
Welcome to Church of the Redeemer! You do not have to join the parish in a formal way in order to worship, attend classes, participate in activities, and support financially the ministries of the parish, and all persons, adults and children, are always welcome to receive Communion. However, we invite you to consider becoming a member of Church of the Redeemer. There are several ways to do this, please read on.
If You Are An Episcopalian:
If you are a member of another Episcopal congregation, or were ever confirmed in an Episcopal Church, you can transfer your membership. Provide our parish office with the name and location of the church and the approximate dates of your membership or, if you were confirmed there, the approximate date of confirmation, and we will send for a letter of transfer, or you may wish to contact your previous parish yourself. (The office has a directory of all Episcopal Churches, with addresses and telephone numbers or you can use the "Church Finder" feature on The Episcopal Church website.)
If You Are A Member Of Another Christian Denomination:
If you were baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in any Christian denomination, you may become a “baptized member” of Church of the Redeemer. Just provide the parish office with your birth date and place and your baptismal date and place.
If You Have Not Been Baptized:
Call the parish office or speak with one of the clergy to arrange a baptism. Baptisms are done at regularly scheduled services on the feast days specified by the Book of Common Prayer (Baptism of Our Lord, Easter Eve, Pentecost, and All Saints) and occasionally on other Sundays or feast days. Anyone baptized at Church of the Redeemer is a “baptized member.”
If You Wish To Be Confirmed Or Received:
The Book of Common Prayer defines Confirmation as “the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” Youth Confirmation classes and adult inquirers’ classes are offered prior to the bishop’s visitation. Any baptized adult, and any baptized youth in eighth grade or higher, is eligible.
Persons who have been confirmed in another denomination by a bishop in the apostolic succession (most often Roman Catholic or Orthodox) are received by the bishop rather than confirmed. The Episcopal Church is also in “full Communion” with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American and the Moravian Church. Persons from those denominations are also received into The Episcopal Church. Those who have been confirmed or received are classified as “confirmed communicants.” Speak with one of the clergy if you are interested in confirmation or reception.
Member Access is an online database that integrates with our church records and requires that you log-in as a “user.” It provides our members 24/7 access to their member information. It is a part of our website where we keep information that would not be available to the public. Once registered, you can:
In order to use these restricted areas, you will need to register as a user. All members who wish to access their information and the restricted areas can create a USERNAME and PASSWORD that are unique to you.
By following the links here, you will be able to update your information such as: address, phone number, email address and also provide us with information such as your Baptism dates and locations, Confirmation dates and locations, etc.
You will also be able to securely access your contribution records to check on the balance of your pledges and contributions made-to-date.
You will first have to register as a user on (See above)
If you already have a username and password, click here.
Mailing Address:
Church of the Redeemer
230 Pennswood Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Main phone number: 610-525-2486
Emergencies after hours: 610-526-0487
All Rights Reserved | Church of The Redeemer