Foyer Groups Forming For  New Year.

A Foyer Group is a small group of parishioners who meet informally (3 or 4 times), usually over a meal. The Redeemer is a fairly large community. Many of us openly admit that we really know only a few members of our parish family. Foyer Groups offer the opportunity for newcomers and longtime members alike to get to know one another better. Once people have signed up, a coordinator forms groups of 8-10 people – singles and couples - ideally from different spheres within the parish and at varying stages of life. There are plenty of options for meeting places, but generally Foyer Group members take turns hosting meetings at their homes. A meal usually serves as the format, with the “host” providing the main course (anything from a sit-down dinner to a backyard barbecue) and others bringing appetizers, salad, bread, dessert, and whatever libations the group prefers. While groups meet on different days at various times, a 3-hour time frame is generally respected. To sign up or for more information, please contact 
Jan Clarke.

Gathering Of Men

This group meets for fellowship and discussion on Tuesdays at 7am in the Parish House Conference Room. It has no set adgenda. Bring whatever is on your mind that you'd like to share in a supportive environment.

Contact Guy Woodruff


NEW Committee (Newcomers/Engagement & Welcome)

Our mission is first to ensure that the parish is a welcoming place for new individuals and families, and secondly to help newcomers become engaged in parish life. We encourage parish members of any age to volunteer to help us greet newcomers each Sunday, and especially welcome newcomers to join us in this activity as they feel comfortable greeting others. We hope to welcome newcomers to a newcomer social event each fall, and to a newcomer coffee in the spring.

Contact Sally Moser

Young adults of Redeemer gather on the first Sunday of the month to share a meal and thoughtful discussion. The Foundation meets in Burns Hall of Parish House at 6:00pm.


Contact Jeremy O'Neill

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